Manden som Muse, KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad 2006/07 og Kastrupgaard Samlingen 2007 - Fotocollager
Gennem sommeren 2006 besøgte Else Ploug Isaksen en byggeplads i Hadsten, hvor hun fotograferede betonkonstruktioner – rå og grå betonelementer. Her opførtes seks andelsboliger, blokke med fire lejligheder i hver på 90 – 100 m2. De første to blokke stod klar september 2006, de resterende i februar 2007.
De første mange gange kunstneren besøgte byggepladsen, var hun ikke i kontakt med de arbejdende håndværkere, udover at fotografere. Hun havde dog sat mig for, at hun ville være med i byggeprojektet, sådan fiktivt. Hun ville agere farvekonsulent på sjakets byggeprojekt.
Sidste gang hun fotograferede på pladsen, kontaktede hun håndværkerne. I frokostpausen fortalte hun dem om sit projekt og om deres rolle i projektet. Musens rolle. De blev alle fotograferet med deres værktøj og maskiner. De snakkede om farvesætning og om hvilke farver, man kunne tænke sig i lejlighederne. De syntes, at det var svært at forestille sig farver i kommende rum, og desuden har konen eller kæresten altid ideer om det. Og jo, de tænker en del over det, men vælger at holde deres kæft. De skal nok smøre den farve på, hun ender med at vælge. Sagde de.
Den dag fik det fotografiske projekt sit navn: ”Futuravej”. De mente, at byggeprojektet måtte hedde Futuravej. Det hed jo den lille grusede stikvej til byggepladsen.
mange tak til:
Darren, maler
Jacob, tømrermester
Frederik, tømrersvend
Niels, tømrersvend
Morten, tømrerlærling
Torben, fugemontør
Kaj, maler
Leif, låsesmed
Peter, smed
Hugo, smed
Erik, maler
English: 'Futuravej'
Several times during the summertime I have visited a building site in my neighbour town, Hadsten. Here I have been photographing constructions made of concrete - raw and grey concrete panels. Six houses under a multi-ownership scheme are being built, each house with four apartments. The size of each apartment is 90 – 100 m2. The first two houses are finished September 2006, the rest in February 2007.
The first many times when I visited the building site, I didn’t have any contact with the tradesmen who worked there. I only asked for permission to walk around photographing. I had decided that I wanted to be part of the building project – fictitiously. I wanted to act the colour consultant for this building project. Here was a whole gang of men building houses for me, houses whish I could decorate.
The last time I went to take photos at the building site I got in contact with the tradesmen. During their lunch break I told them about my project and their role in my project. The role of a muse. That day my photographic project got its name: “Futuravej” (“Future Road”). They thought that the name of the building project had to be Futuravej. The little gravel road leading to the building site was called that.
We talked about colour schemes and about which colours would be relevant in the apartments. They think that it is hard to visualize appropriate colours in the different rooms and in addition, the wife or girl friend always have some ideas about what would fit. And yes, they think about it but they keep their mouth shut. They will paint that colour she chooses. They say.
Works: 'Futuravej' 2006 is 10 collages (coloured paper mounted on prints, 50 x 50 cm. The text above is part of the work