Research og bearbejdning af materialer/fund fra et højt beliggende område i Provence over temaet, mapping, forskydninger, overlap.
Inspireret af den tyske naturvidenskabsmand og opdagelsesrejsende Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) var rejsen en fysisk geografi-, biologi- og spacerejse. Materiale er indsamlet med præcise og abstrakte skitser i bjergene af naturen og vegetationen og der er taget farveprøver i området mm.
I Huset i Fox-Amphoux i Provence (Billedkunstnernes Forbund) er materialet blevet bearbejdet og og er suppleret med andet som foto, farver og fundne genstande. Flere space-collager er tilføjet.
Research and processing of materials/finds from a high-altitude area in Provence, centered around the themes of mapping, displacements, and overlaps. Inspired by the German natural scientist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859), the journey was an exploration of physical geography, biology, and space. Materials were collected in the mountains with both precise and abstract sketches of nature and vegetation, and color samples were taken from the area, among other things.
At the House in Fox-Amphoux in Provence (The Danish Visual Artists' Association), the materials were processed and supplemented with other elements such as photographs and found objects. Several space collages were added.